CNC 503: High-Speed Data Communications

Offered Under: M.Sc. in Computer Networks & Communications (CNC)

Topics include Concept of Protocols, Layered Protocol Architectures, OSI Model and TCP/IP protocol suite , Data transmission, Data encoding, Digital data communication techniques, Data link control, HDLC, Multiplexing, Transmission media, ISDN and broadband ISDN, PPP, Troubleshooting, Circuit switching, Packet switching, Frame Relay, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Congestion control and quality of service. Frame relay architecture, Standards and protocols, Switched Multi Megabit Data Services, ATM standards protocols, ATM LANs, Optical Communication and SONET/SDH, Broadband access technologies, x-DSL. B-ISDN protocol and architecture, Broadband service aspects and access architecture, Broadband transmission networks, Broadband intelligent network, high-speed switching architectures, network management and control, and modeling and analysis of high-speed networks.

Course Type Major
Credit Hour 3
Lecture Hour 45
Expected Outcome(s):

Suggested Books:

Grading Policy: