SEN 601: Distributed Database Systems

Offered Under: M.Sc. in Software Engineering (SEN)

A detailed study of advanced topics on relational database theory, query processing and optimization, recovery techniques, concurrency control, data fragmentation, replication, security and integrity of distributed database systems. Discussion on heterogeneous databases and paradigms (deductive, object oriented) used in distributed systems.

Course Type Major
Credit Hour 3
Lecture Hour 45
Expected Outcome(s):
  • Analyze real-word data management scenarios and design appropriate data schemas.
  • Formulate SQL queries to access a relational database system.
  • Design and develop data management applications using relational database systems.
  • Analyze and apply query optimization techniques for optimizing query.
  • Analyze and apply data indexing techniques for speeding up query processing.
  • Analyze and apply transaction processing techniques for executing transactions in relational database systems

Grading Policy: