ENG 102: English Reading Skills

Offered Under: All Undergraduate Programs.

Micro-skills of reading- predicting, skimming and scanning, lexis/vocabulary, sentence structures, text organization, sequence markers, cohesive ties and coherence, getting direct meaning and inferring, purposes and styles of writing, understanding graphic data, figurative language and rhetoric, understanding underlying themes and values, attitudes and ideologies, responding to reading – critical evaluation, note-making, paraphrasing and summarizing. Reading and responding to newspapers, journals, magazine articles, periodicals and other texts on current affairs. Poetry and fiction. Using a dictionary, thesaurus, glossaries and strategies for reading textbooks for reference. In addition to class exercises, students are expected to read newspapers, journals, magazines, periodicals and textbooks on selected themes in gathering information and presenting a term-end paper as part of the course assessment apart from a written paper of two hours duration.


Please contact the Department of English for further details.

Website for the Department of English - http://slass.iub.edu.bd/english/

  • None

Course Type Foundation
Credit Hour 3
Lecture Hour 45
Expected Outcome(s):

Suggested Books:

Grading Policy:

Letter Grade Marks Grade Point
A 90 - 100 4.00
A- 85 - 89 3.70
B+ 80 - 84 3.30
B 75 - 79 3.00
B- 70 - 74 2.70
C+ 65 - 69 2.30
C 60 - 64 2.00
C- 55 - 59 1.70
D+ 50 - 54 1.30
D 45 - 49 1.00
F 00 - 44 0.00