CSE 418: E-commerce and Web Database

Offered Under: B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Electronic Commerce environment, modes, types; Intranet, intranet, extranet, VPN, and VAN; Security and authentication; Cryptography, key management, certificate authority, PKI, digital signature and digital certificate; Payment gateway; Electronic cash and electronic payment schemas: EDI, EFT, SWIFT. Secure transaction through credit cards and PayPal; Shopping cart; Cloud-hosting; Web database design, development and management; Integrating database with web applications, Web database security and access controls; Legal framework of e-Commerce.

Course Type Major
Credit Hour 3
Lecture Hour 45
Expected Outcome(s):
  • Comprehend the underlying economic mechanisms and driving forces of E-Commerce.
  • Understand the critical building blocks of E-Commerce and different types of prevailing business models employed by leading industrial leaders.
  • Appraise the opportunities and potential to apply and synthesize a variety of E-Commerce concepts and solutions to create business value for organizations, customers, and business partners.
  • Formulate E-Commerce strategies that lever firms’ core competencies, facilitate organizational transformation, and foster innovation.
  • Undertake planning, organizing, and implementing of E-Commerce initiatives to effectively respond to of dynamic market environments.
  • Design, implement and maintain databases for e-commerce applications.

Suggested Books:
  1. Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL (2nd Edition) by Larry Ullman
  2. Web Information Retrieval (Data-Centric Systems and Applications) by Stefano Ceri, Alessandro Bozzon, Marco Brambilla and Emanuele Della Valle

Grading Policy:

Biweekly Quiz, One Midterm Exam, One Final Exam, Project

Letter Grade Marks Grade Point
A 90 - 100 4.00
A- 85 - 89 3.70
B+ 80 - 84 3.30
B 75 - 79 3.00
B- 70 - 74 2.70
C+ 65 - 69 2.30
C 60 - 64 2.00
C- 55 - 59 1.70
D+ 50 - 54 1.30
D 45 - 49 1.00
F 00 - 44 0.00