CSE 447: Computer Peripherals and Interfacing

Offered Under: B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

This course covers the role of computer peripherals such as display units, input and output devices, etc. Topics discussed include: Analogous signal input output; Graphic systems; Output devices; OMR, OCR and MCR; Backing stores; Data communication; Interfacing components and their characteristics; Important peripheral chips, for example, Intel 8255, 8251, 8253/8254, 8155, 8237/8239, etc and their uses and applications in different systems; Microprocessor I/O; Disk I/O; Optical displays and sensors; High power interface devices; Interfacing for Transducers, stepper motors and peripheral devices; Design and operation of interface between computer and the outside world.

Course Type Major
Credit Hour 3
Lecture Hour 45
Expected Outcome(s):
  • Become familiar with the operation of a sophisticated computer system, including high- performance peripheral interfaces, extensive signal processing and graphics software.
  • Be familiar with the different types of interrupt structures.
  • Be able to select appropriate and compatible computer/peripherals combinations.
  • Have a working knowledge of digital communication interface adapters.
  • Be able to interface a microcontroller to various devices.
  • Be able to effectively utilize microcontroller peripherals.

Suggested Books:

Microprocessors & Interfacing: Programming & Hardware by D.V. Hall

Grading Policy:

Biweekly Quiz, One Midterm Exam, One Final Exam, Project

Letter Grade Marks Grade Point
A 90 - 100 4.00
A- 85 - 89 3.70
B+ 80 - 84 3.30
B 75 - 79 3.00
B- 70 - 74 2.70
C+ 65 - 69 2.30
C 60 - 64 2.00
C- 55 - 59 1.70
D+ 50 - 54 1.30
D 45 - 49 1.00
F 00 - 44 0.00