CSE 461: Advance Topics for Application Development

Offered Under: B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Selected advanced topic related to different applications from the field of computer science and their development process.  It may vary from time to time.

Course Type Major
Credit Hour 3
Lecture Hour 50
Expected Outcome(s):
  • Will vary according to the topics discussed.

Suggested Books:

Will vary according to the topics discussed.

Grading Policy:

Biweekly Quiz, One Midterm Exam, One Final Exam, Project

Letter Grade Marks Grade Point
A 90 - 100 4.00
A- 85 - 89 3.70
B+ 80 - 84 3.30
B 75 - 79 3.00
B- 70 - 74 2.70
C+ 65 - 69 2.30
C 60 - 64 2.00
C- 55 - 59 1.70
D+ 50 - 54 1.30
D 45 - 49 1.00
F 00 - 44 0.00