Google Study Jams 2015

Event Type: WorkShop

Starts: Saturday, Aug 29, 2015, 09:00 AM
Ends: Monday, Sep 28, 2015, 05:00 PM
Location: CSE Lab
Sponsors: Google


Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Independent University, Bangladesh is going to host the prestigious Google Study Jams 2015 from 29th August to 28th September. The event is organized by Google to produce quality android application developers. One thousand Bangladeshi students will participate in the month long event all over the country. Thirty IUB students will participate in the IUB chapter and sessions will be conducted by professional android application developers. Each session will be 6 hours long and will take place once a week. Android mobile applications are in high demand given the extensive rise of the smart device platform. Participants will be exempted from the $200 course fee by Google.