A K M Mahbubur Rahman, PHD

A K M Mahbubur Rahman, PHD

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Dr AKM Mahbubur Rahman is working at IUB as an associate professor. He is the  director of the Data Science wing of the Center for Computational & Data Sciences. He is also working as Research Fellow at Data and Design Lab. Previously, he was the co-director of  Agency Lab at IUB. Before joining in IUB, he had worked at Eyelock Inc, USA as Senior  Research Scientist. He had completed his PhD at CVPIA Lab, University of Memphis in 2013. 


Google Scholar Profile

Link for full resume


My Research Interest:

  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning


Research Grant:

   Principle Investigator (PI)

  • IUB Startup Research Grant (2018)       144,000/=
  • ICT Bangladesh (2019)                           500,000/= 
  • IUB Sponsored Research (2020)           11, 50,000/=
  • IUB Sponsored Research (2021)           10, 70,000/=

   Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI) : Agency LAB

  • ICT Bangladesh (2020)                        20,00,000/= 



Publication List


  • T Zia, A Datta, MR Noor, MA Amin, AA Ali, A K M M Rahman, "A Study into the Limitations of CNN Recognition on Isolated Bengali Compound Characters". Presented at International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (ICDMKD-2023, China), published in Telematique, Vol22, Issue01, pp 2508-2523, Oct 2023
  • Qianwei Cheng*, Moinul Zaber*, A K M M Rahman*, Haoran Zhang, Zhiling Guo, Akiko Okabe, Ryosuke Shibasaki, "Understanding the urban environment of developing countries from satellite images", MDPI Sustainability, (Impact factor: 3.251,  Scimago Journal  Rank: Q1), 2022; *Equal Contribution
  • A K M M Rahman, Moinul Zaber, Qianwei Cheng,  Abu Bakar Siddik Nayem, Anis Sarker, Ovi Paul, and Ryosuke Shibasaki, "Applying State-of-the-Art Deep-Learning Methods to Classify Urban Cities of the Developing World",  Special Issue: Urban Information Sensing for Sustainable Development, MDPI Sensors (Impact factor: 3.57,  Scimago Journal  Rank: Q1 ), 2021
  • A K M M. Rahman, ASM. I. Anam, and M. Yeasin, "Robust Modeling of Epistemic Mental States”, Special Issue: Socio-Affective Technology, Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (Impact factor: 2.10,  Scimago Journal  Rank: Q1 ), 2020.
  • Arif, M. Zaber, Amin A. Ali, M. Ashraful Amin, and A K M M Rahman, "Visual Attention Based Comparative Study on Disaster Detection from Social Media Images",  Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering,  (Impact factor: 0.94,  Scimago Journal  Rank: Q3 ), 2020.  

   Book Chapter:

  • Abu Bakar Siddik Nayem, Anis Sarker, Ovi Paul, Amin Ali, Md. Ashraful, Amin, A K M M Rahman, "LULC Segmentation of RGB Satellite Image Using FCN-8", 3rd SLAAI-International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer,  Srilanka, 2019 
  • Arif, Abdullah Omar, Sabah Ashraf, A K M M Rahman, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, “A Comparative Study on Disaster Detection from Social Media Images using Deep Learning",  Proceedings of the Global AI Congress (GAIC 2019),  Kolkata, India, 2019
  • Md Wahidul Hasan, Akil Hamid Chowdhury, Md Mehedi Hasan, Arup Ratan Datta, A K M M Rahman, M Ashraful Amin, “IoT Based Smart Application System to Prevent Sexual Harassment in Public Transport”, Book Chapter, AISC, Bangkok, Thailand, Springer, 2019


  • Dehan Noor, Md Fahim, A K M M Rahman, Amin Ahsan Ali, “TinyLLM Efficacy in Low-Resource Language: An Experiment on Bangla Text Classification Task”, 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2024), (Core Rank: B) 
  • Mir Sazzat Hossain, A K M M Rahman, Md. Ashraful Amin, Amin Ahsan Ali, "Lightweight Recurrent Neural Network for Image Super-resolution", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2024), October 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, (Core Rank: B) 
  • Fahim Ahmed, Md Fahim, Md Ashraful Amin, Amin Ahsan Ali, and A K M M Rahman, “Improving The Performance of Transformer-based Models Over Classical Baselines in Multiple Transliterated Languages”, 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024), October 2024, Spain, (Core Rank: A) 
  • Md Fahim, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, A K M M Rahman, "Contextual Bangla Neural Stemmer: Finding Contextualized RootWord Representations for BanglaWords", EMNLP 2023 Workshop BLP, Singapore
  • Nabilah Tabassum Oshin, Syed Mohaiminul Hoque, Md Fahim, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, A K M M Rahman, "BaTEClaCor: A Novel Dataset for Bangla Text Error Classification and Correction", EMNLP 2023 Workshop BLP, Singapore
  • Farhan Noor Dehan, Md Fahim, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, A K M M Rahman, "Investigating the Effectiveness of Graph-based Algorithm for Bangla Text Classification", EMNLP 2023 Workshop BLP, Singapore
  • Md Fahim, Dr. Amin Ahsan Ali, Md Ashraful Amin and A K M M Rahman,  "EDAL: Entropy based Dynamic Attention Loss for HateSpeech Classification",  The 37th Pacific Asia Conference on. Language, Information and Computation  PACLIC 2023), Hongkong, 2023 (Average acceptance rate: 28.7%)
  • Mir Sazzat Hossain, Sugandha Roy, K. M. B. Asad, Arshad Momen, Amin Ahsan Ali, M “Ashraful Amin, A K M M Rahman, “Morphological Classification of Radio Galaxies Using Semi-Supervised Group Equivariant CNNs”, International Neural Network Society Workshop on Deep Learning Innovations and Applications (INNS DLIA 2023) associated with IJCNN, Elsevier, 2023
  • Tahmid Alavi Ishmam, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, and  A K M M Rahman, "Automatic Detection of Natural Disaster Effect on Paddy Field from Satellite Images using Deep Learning Techniques", 8th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE 2023),  Niigata, Japan
  • Tonmoay Deb, Akib Sadmanee, Kishor Kumar Bhaumik, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, and  A K M M Rahman, “Variational Stacked Local Attention Networks for Diverse Video Captioning”, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2022), Hawaii, USA, (Core Rank: A) 
  • Hasnain Hossain, Tahmid Bin Mahmud, A K M M Rahman, M Ashraful Amin, Amin Ahsan Ali, "Comparing recent Swarm Algorithms with Information Theoretic Filter criterion for Feature Selection", International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), 2021, IEEE, Capetown. South Africa
  • Shehzan Haider Chowdhury, Murshed Al Amin, A K M M Rahman, M Ashraful Amin, Amin Ahsan Ali, "Assessment of Rehabilitation Exercises from Depth Sensor Data", 24th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), IEEE, 2021, Dhaka
  • F.F. Niloy, M.A. Amin, A.A. Ali,  and A K M M Rahman, "Attention toward Neighbors: A Context Aware Framework for High Resolution Image Segmentation", The 28th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE - ICIP 2021), Anchorage, USA, (H Index: 52)
  • Amit Roy, Kashob Kumar Roy, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin and A K M  Rahman,  "Unified Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Traffic Forecasting  using Graph Neural Network",  The International Joint Conference on Neural Network, 2021, (Core Rank: A)
  • Kashob Kumar Roy, Amit Roy, A K M M Rahman, M Ashraful Amin and Amin Ahsan Ali, "Structure-Aware Hierarchical Graph Pooling using Information Bottleneck",  The International Joint Conference on Neural Network, 2021, (Core Rank: A)
  • Kashob Kumar Roy, Amit Roy, A K M M Rahman, M Ashraful Amin and Amin Ahsan Ali, "Node Embedding using Mutual Information and Self-Supervision based Bi-level Aggregation",  The International Joint Conference on Neural Network, 2021, (Core Rank: A)
  • S. Mahmud, M.T.H. Tonmoy, A K M M  Rahman, M A. Amin,  and A.A. Ali,, "Hierarchical Self Attention Based Autoencoder for Open-Set Human Activity Recognition", 25th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining25th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Core Rank: A, acceptance rate: 20%)
  • Amit Roy, Kashob Roy, M A. Amin, A.A. Ali, and A K M M  Rahman, "SST-GNN: Simplified Spatio-temporal Traffic forecasting model using Graph Neural Network", 25th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining25th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Core Rank: A, acceptance rate: 20%)
  • F.F. Niloy, Arif, A.B.S. Nayem, A Sarker, O Paul, M.A. Amin, A.A. Ali, M.I. Zaber, and A K M M Rahman, “A Novel Disaster Image Data-set and Characteristics Analysis using Attention Model”, 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020) (Core Rank: B, acceptance rate: 43.4%)
  • Md. Saif Hassan Onim, Aiman Rafeed Ehtesham, Amreen Anbar, A. K. M. Nazrul Islam and A K M M Rahman, "LULC classification by semantic segmentation of satellite images using FastFCN", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICAICT), IEEE Xplore, Dhaka, 2020
  • Md. A. Pramanik, Md M. Rahman,  ASM I Anam, Amin A Ali, Md A Amin, and A K M M  Rahman, Modeling Traffic Congestion in Developing Countries using Google Map Data", Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2021, Springer,  Vancouver, Canada, 2021
  • Qianwei Cheng, A K M M Rahman, Anis Sarker, Abu Bakar Siddik Nayem, Ovi Paul, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Moinul Zaber, "Deep-learning coupled with novel categorization method to classify the urban environment of the developing world", 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Machine Learning (SIGML 2021), Switzerland, 2021
  • S. Mahmud, M.T.H. Tonmoy, K.K. Bhaumik, A K M M  Rahman, M A. Amin, M. Shoyaib, A.H Khan and A.A. Ali, “Human Activity Recognition from Wearable Sensor Data using Self-Attention”, ECAI, Spain, 2020, (Core Rank: A, acceptance rate: 26.8%)


  • A K M M. Rahman, ASM. I. Anam, M. I. Tanveer, and M. Yeasin, “EmoAssist: A Real-time Social Interaction Tool to assist the Visually Impaired", In Proceedings of the 15th  International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2013), Las Vegas, NV.
  • A K M M. Rahman, M. I. Tanveer, ASM. I. Anam, and M. Yeasin, "IMAPS: A Smart Phone Based Real-Time Framework For Prediction Of Affect In Natural Dyadic Conversation", In Proceedings of the conference of Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP 2012) , San Diego, CA (acceptance rate = 22.3% oral).
  • A K M M. Rahman, M. I. Tanveer, and M. Yeasin. "A spatio-temporal probabilistic framework for dividing and predicting facial action units". In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Affective computing and intelligent interaction - Volume Part II, ACII’11. 
  • M. I. Tanveer, A.S.M. I. Anam, S. Ghosh, A K M M. Rahman, and M. Yeasin, “FEPS: A Sensory Substitution System for the Blind to Perceive Facial Expressions”, In Proceedings of the ASSETS 2012, Boulder, Colorado.
  • R. Azevedo, R. Landis, R. F. Behnagh, M. Duffy, G. Trev., J. Harley, F. Bouchet, J. Burlison, M. Taub, N. Pacam., M. Yeasin, A K M M. Rahman, M. I. Tanveer, and G. Hossain, “The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Agents’ Prompting and Feedback in Facilitating Co-Adapted Learning with MetaTutor”, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), LNCS, Vol. 7315/2012, 2012.
  • A K M M. Rahman, Sidney D’Mello, “Tracking Facial behavior from Video”,  IIS, May, 2010


* Equal Contribution



Assistant Professor                                                                                          April/2018 – Present

Department of CSE

Independent University Bangladesh

Bashundhara RA, Bangladesh


Senior Research Scientist                                                                               Dec/2015 – Apr/2018

Eyelock Inc, 42 Washington Rd, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550


Research Scientist                                                                                           Nov/2013 –Nov/2015

Eyelock Inc, 42 Washington Rd, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550


Software Development Intern I                                                                      Jun/2008 - Aug/2008

FedEx Services, IT, Rocky Mountain Technology Center, Colorado Springs, USA


Lecturer                                                                                                            Feb/2007 - Jul/2007

The People’s University of Bangladesh,

Asad Gate, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Adjunct Faculty                                                                                                May/2006 - Dec/2006

Daffodil International University

Sukrabad, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • PhD in Computer Engineering, 2013
    University of Memphis, USA
  • MSc in Computer Engineering, 2011
    University of Memphis, USA
  • BSc in Computer Science and Engineering, 2006
    Jahangirnagar University